Memorial Wall
Happy Tails has created this online memorial wall dedicated to those pets & people who have touched our lives. Roll your mouse over each box, then click the View button to read the full message.
You can share a memorial with family and friends via email, Facebook, or Twitter. Anyone can make a donation in the honoree’s name by clicking the Donate button.
In memory of
Our Loved Ones
4/13/2011 – 1/30/2025
My smart, gorgeous, playful, precious, brave, beautiful, fun, talkative, loving Happy Tails princess. The best patient ever, through 9 years of increasing health challenges – Sophie cooperated with multiple pills and injections daily, and over time even learned to forgive me more readily for her many trips to her doctors, who she loved. In particular, I have immense gratitude to Dr. Koncz at Sacramento Animal Hospital for her exceptional guidance and support, and to Dr. Bailiff and his team, especially Melanie, at Vista Veterinary Specialists for taking excellent care of Sophie, showing her such compassion and love, and always managing to fit her into their busy schedule.
Sophie blossomed when she became an only cat, becoming both my pandemic coworker and best friend. Her first cancer diagnosis a year ago was accompanied by a renewed zest for play, as was her second in October – perhaps she knew her time was short and was determined to make the most of it – flinging her Yeowww stinkies around, chasing a string, or loving on her “best toy ever” pom pom collar. Despite her health challenges, Sophie lived a happy and playful life, enjoying her many toys, birdwatching through the windows, napping in her beds, spending time at my side, and occasionally weighing in on my work calls.
I miss you so much already, my sweet love. Our nearly 13 years together were far too short. I will love and miss you forever, my darling girl.
Brad Morrelli
Brad Morrelli
Brad, you left us too soon. They say that those we love can never be more than a thought away, so as long as there's a memory of you, you will continue to live in our hearts. We love and miss you.
Cooper, thank you for going on the journey of life with us. You are forever in our hearts. We miss you, your tail wags, your unbridled excitement and wet kisses. We’ll never forget you. RIP in doggy heaven. We'll see you again, across the rainbow bridge. Love you always, Evelyne & Tom
Roma Bernazzani
Roma Bernazzani
Baby Girl! The sweetest dog and loved by so many! You will be missed but forever in our hearts. Love, Kiki, Charlie and Lola
Toby (Tobe Tobe) Arena
Toby (Tobe Tobe) Arena
In loving memory of Toby (Tobe Tobe) Arena. You were your mom's pride and joy. Her work BFF, always within an arm's reach. Often even holding her hand while she worked. So close your dad would comment on the "unnatural bond." Thank you for joining us on so many conference calls, always appearing so regal. And most importantly, thank you for all the love you gave to your family. xoxo
Bogey, one half of the dynamic duo Bogey and Birdie, was the best dog. He was a world class champion snuggle buddy, bubble bath protector, best friend and brother to Birdie, and his mom's whole heart. Bogey came into Amanda's life on March 31, 2011 at just six weeks old, and enjoyed nearly 13 years of love, laughter, and puppuccinos, living a life of spoiled and adored dog luxury. He will always be remembered for the joy and love he brought to his mom's life, and to those who knew him. "What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; all that we have loved deeply, becomes a part of us."
Mickey Bhandal
Mickey Bhandal
You are forever in my hearts. I miss you, your little tail wags and wet kisses so much. I’ll never forget you my little love. RIP in doggy heaven.
Connie Buckley
Connie Buckley
Cats were Connie's beloved companions. After being diagnosed with cancer in 2022, her beloved kitty Joya slept on her bed and provided great comfort. Joya was fiercely protective. I'm grateful Happy Tails took her back after Connie died in late September and recently found her a new human to guard!
Moose, thank you for going on the journey of life with me. I'll see you again, across the rainbow bridge. I love you. -Makenna
James Bond
James Bond
James Bond (because he always wore a tuxedo) came to us as a tiny 5 week old kitten and left us far too early at age ten due to an eye disease. He was a handsome and well known visitor to nearby yards, excelled at rodent control, but was a loving and gentle boy who enjoyed the creature comforts of indoor life. We miss him, the last of many cats we’ve had over our 60 years together, every day even though he’s been gone two years. We love you Jimmy!
Sally Lorber
Sally Lorber
Sona K Bray
Sona K Bray
Sona K Bray
Sona K Bray
Betty White
Betty White
Happy 100th Birthday Betty, from all the fur babies of the world.
To my sweet girl! I miss you every day especially right now during winter when I would have you sleeping with me in the bed. You are missed but always thought of!
A sweet loving girl who brought so much joy. I rescued her from Folsom Ford Agency with her 6 two day old kittens along with her sister, Karly and her 6 two day old kittens. All the kittens were adopted through Happy Tails and the two sisters lived out their lives with me.
bette and ernie henner
bette and ernie henner
thanks for all you ever did for animals and people everywhere and the legacy you have left for your children and grandchildren to have as big hearts as you both.
Indie, I brought you home from Happy Tails in 2010 because we all thought you were dying. To all our surprise you made it 4 years before I had to say good bye. I hope you know how much you were loved and missed, rest in peace my gentle giant.
John Tibbetts
John Tibbetts
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of my sweet father who went to heaven way too early. I know he's watching over our furry family members who've crossed the rainbow bridge. Kathy L
Dear Nordi, your exuberant personality and happy spirit will be dearly missed by us all.
Rest in Peace.
Lawrence Herman Kay
Lawrence Herman Kay
In loving memory of this wonderful man who was taken from us way too early. You were the best dad anyone could've asked for. Love you always, Jaclyn
She came into my life a bit of a challenge.. Over the 3 years she became a loving purring happy cat. She is missed by all who knew and loved her.
Shannon Brady
Shannon Brady
so sweet to all living beings, human or animal, at the request of her mother and sister on their 70th/40th birthdays from Gerry and Patty
Naomi Nakagaki
Naomi Nakagaki
USGS Friends remember our very special friend, Naomi Nakagaki, who had a heart of gold and was truly an inspiration to all of us. Her hard work and dedication was exceptional but most of all she was, and is, a sweet angel to all. She fought for the protection of pets and the environment creating beautiful friendships along the way. She will forever be in our hearts.
John Tharp
John Tharp
Artist, Musician, Cat Lover, Friend, and Art Teacher Extraordinaire!
Emma wheaton
Emma wheaton
My sister Emma was rad as hell. She acted in movies, made friends with Denny's employees and didn't care what anyone else thought. We lost her on June 4th, 2017 and it's been a tough road for all of us. Her real passion in life was helping animals both as her job and as a way of life. Today would've been her 30th birthday. We all love you and miss you Emma <3
Bob Bieber
Bob Bieber
Almost 50 years of friendship and service to members of The Riviera Greens Association
My little man who was loved by everyone and made a few converts out of those who thought they weren't cat-people.
Julie Matthews
Julie Matthews
Her Sweet and Kind nature was universal. She will be missed by all.
Vanessa Bailey
Vanessa Bailey
Vanessa Bailey. Your reach was wider than you knew. Safe travels sweet friend. xo KS
Rupert Hess
Rupert Hess
Rupert was a big bear of a man and the greatest friend anyone could have. Rupert and my late husband, Tom, spent many hours "holding court" at the Sizzler on Florin Road, eating their favorite wings and salads and solving all the world's problems. The self-proclaimed "Lord of Fish", Rupert loved fishing with all his buddies in Sitka, Alaska. I am sure you are sitting on the banks of a beautiful river in Heaven with Tom, telling all your fish stories. Rest well my dear friend.
Debra Burruss
I'll always love you, my little daughter with fur. Rest in Peace. See you in the hereafter.
In loving memory of Tommy, 1998-2016, greatly loved by his parents. Your constant affection and enthusiasm for laps, beds, flowers, food and string are much missed.
-Daddy and Mommy
Boots and Amber
Boots and Amber
Boots and Amber, the live kitty muses for my cozy mystery characters, Black Cat and Angel, who, with the aid of their ancestors & memories are able to solve mysteries.
Sadly, my precious kitties have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but will live on in our books.
Rupert Hess
Rupert Hess
In honor of a great man, one-of-a-kind, with a heart of gold.
Much love,
Shantra, Aaron, and Casey
Don Frazier
Don Frazier
This tribute is for my dad who loved animals. He told stories of him as a boy and the stray dogs he would raise as he was growing up and how much they meant to him. I remember one story in particular about his dog named King, a Greyhound mix. In 1941 when my dad was 11, his father was killed after being struck by a car. So to help provide income for the family (which included his dog) he got a job working in a butcher shop. Dad was able to save bones and scraps to take home to his starving dog. My dad proceeded to tell me that after King ate some of the scraps, he would pick up the leftovers and take off down the road to the nearby farms where King knew of other starving dogs and would distribute the remaining scraps among these dog friends he had in the neighborhood.
I always loved that story.
Rest in peace daddy.
Selene Jacobs
Selene Jacobs
You touched so many lives in such an amazing way. The energy and light of your goodness are perpetual. The memories are everlasting. Simon and Presley are with you sweet angel. Rest in Paradise. Until we all meet again. <3
Selene Jacobs
Selene Jacobs
Such a big heart for all furry friends. Rest in Peace sweet friend. You are missed.
Joann Hipp
Joann Hipp
Dear Joann,
Your door as well as your heart was always open for all. We'll miss your generosity and your sweet kindness.
See you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
Dick and Kris James
Dick and Kris James
In loving memory of Dick and Kris James.
Dick and Kris James
Dick and Kris James
"The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that will"- Andy Warhol.
Dick and Kris built an amazing family and business, both while living boldly and embracing their passions. We will miss them dearly. - Maggie and Stephen Bender
Dick and Kris James
Dick and Kris James
In loving memory of two wonderful people...
Vickie Richardson
Vickie Richardson
Mom, you were my best friend and greatest inspiration. You loved your kitties (and mine) and provided a warm,safe and wonderful home for all of us throughout your life. I miss you every single day and at thistime of year, in particular. I see your smile in every colored light and hear your voice in every carol. Ilove you, Mom. (1938 - 2013)
XO -- Cinnamon
Dick and Kris James
Dick and Kris James
May you rest in peace and may your memory last forever
God speed and happy contrails
Spidey, our little territorial protector of home and hearth left a Spidey-size hole in our world. He was a tiny feral kitten who found us over 16 years ago and became the center of our household. His name came from looking like a black fuzzy spider, but he did develop the characteristics of the comic book character. He was also the best lap kitty and cuddle-kitty ever.
Cancer took him.
Julie and Bill Henson
Macy who lived a wonderful life with her mommy's Kristin and Amanda Nortanni and also brother Zeke. Macy was whole heartly a true Angel. May she rest in peace.
With love,
Chase, Stacy, Sophia and Pumpkin Williams
Echo Hanson
Echo Hanson
We who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.
-Hebrews 6:18-19
Echo Hanson
Steeler Marie Huntington
Steeler Marie Huntington
Steeler Marie. You are missed by so many who loved you especially your Mom. Rest in Puppy Paradise sweet angel.
Mocha Pike
Mocha Pike
In loving memory of sweet Mocha...
Although no words can help to ease the loss you bear, know that we are sending our love to you. May you find some reprieve in your grief, by cherishing the precious memories you created with Mocha. She was such a loyal and faithful friend, leaving her paw prints in your lives & souls. She will be frolicking high amongst the clouds, patiently waiting for the day you are reunited.
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; all that we love deeply, becomes a part of us.”
Mel, Kathy, Vic, Erinn & Taryn
You were the little brother I never had, but the best Protector. The kindest heart. I will miss you fiercely. - Sierra
Branwen Lady Miravale
Branwen Lady Miravale
Our beloved girl Branwen, we miss you so much. From the moment I picked you up as a 3 month old rescue, you had ahold of my heart. You brought so much joy to our home for 13 years. We will always miss your purrs. Be joyful at the Rainbow Bridge my girl! We will always love you and keep you in our hearts. Love Your Human Parents, Candace & Chris
In loving memory of Fred. The coolest cat around! Beloved cat and friend of Jennifer Green and David Radican.
David Robert Catricala
David Robert Catricala
Leona Marguerite White
Leona Marguerite White
To a wonderful mother who always cared about the "little guys" as well as all animals. She was the most caring woman I have ever known.
Harold Ryan
Harold Ryan
Our buddy Harold was a giant with a great purr who loved to lie in things made for babies. Our family loved Harold dearly and are sad he had to go. We thank him for his love and hope there are lots of things for Harold to chase, soft beds to sleep in and dishes full of food wherever his spirit may land. Mac, Jess, Quinn, and River Ryan
Boo Radley
Boo Radley
You blessed our lives, your mama misses you every day, grandma and papa too.‚ù§ we miss your talking and cuddles, your sissy scout misses you around the house, but she is getting spoiled. Know your enjoying your afterlife, talking someone's ear off!!
To our much loved Snowshoe. You brought so much joy to so many. We miss you Suki.
Love your human parents, Chris and Candace
Merrill Botkin
Merrill Botkin
In honor of Merrill Botkin-- may he rest in peace.
Sending love and light to the family he leaves behind: Eva, Frank, Jim & Andi, Robby & Matt
--The Gresens family
Joshua Rourke DeVincenzi
Joshua Rourke DeVincenzi
In loving memory of your kind spirit and your love of animals. Rest In Peace son.
Love, Kim, Ron, and Amy
Joshua Rourke DeVincenzi
Joshua Rourke DeVincenzi
your love to save every kitten or puppy you saw in need. Happy heavenly birthday Bubba!
Love Mom, Dad and Amy
Lilly Lee
Lilly Lee
In loving memory of Lilly, who was loved deeply by all of her family.
The sweetest, most loving, and trusting Happy Tails cat, gone far too soon. A brave cancer warrior, who gave hugs and cuddles through it all. From the moment we met, she knew I was the one, and gave me a head bonk to show it was love. I will miss you forever, my perfect and precious girl.
Many thanks to her vets, especially Dr. Koncz at Sac Animal Hospital and Dr. O'Brien and the oncology team at VCA referral center.
Donna Facino
Donna Facino
Almost 4 years since you were stolen from us. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you or wish I could pick up the phone and hear your voice. Dad is taking care of the puppies and they miss you lots. So do we. Keep singing and dancing until we can join you. Love you Mom!
my baby girl, Tay Tay. A feral kitten who became such a lovey and was a powerhouse of personality! I love you so much and will miss you forever. You were such a trooper, living with chronic pulmonary disease. 2008-2020. Rest easy baby, until we meet again.
~Love your mommy,
Raymond Charles Weiss
Raymond Charles Weiss
We will miss you this year Dad. Especially our two rescue cats, Goku and Spunky. We love you Dad!
With love to all fur babies!
With love to all fur babies!
Merry Christmas! -2020
Deane Hall
Deane Hall
For my beloved sister, Deane, who loved all animals with a passion and was studying to become a Vet Tech. May she rest in the gentle arms of the universe. Love, Leslie Korengold
Clipper of Lark Hill
Clipper of Lark Hill
Thank you Clipper for being my best friend for 7 years. After my accident I wasn't sure I could ever be happy again... but you showed me how to smile again! You brought so much joy into my life and I miss you soooooo very much!!! I will always love you and I will see you again... I know this. Hugs and kisses.
Steven Rascher
Steven Rascher
In honor of my childhood best friend's late father, Steven Rascher - who loved dogs and had the family pets by his side. His big heart and kind demeanor will never be forgotten. May he rest peacefully ❤️ - Janette B.
Nancy Starkie
Nancy Starkie
our co-worker and our friend, Nancy Starkie. She was a kindhearted cardiac ICU and ED nurse. She truly cared about her patients. Nancy alwasy had a smile on her face and a positive attitude. We are lucky to have her in our lives. Nancy was always giving and the best way to remember her is by giving back. She loved dogs and wanted to support charities for rescue dogs.
Rest in peace sweet Abby, our furry friends always leave us too soon. Marcus and Janelle were lucky to have her in their lives for 17 years. She will be missed.
Jessica & Jon
Thx HT for rescuing my little weirdo and bringing us together 4 years ago.
Mavis and Penn
Mavis and Penn
Penn brought Mavis many years of joy and happiness in their years together. He was her "son" in many ways. They are together now and forever.
In loving memory of a beautiful soul that had a fierce love for animals. You will always be missed and cherished my brother.
Patricia M Niendam
Patricia M Niendam
Patricia Niendam (1950-2021) was a lover of all animals, big and small. All of her pets were rescued and she provided all the love, medicine, and support they needed. She passed this love of animals and nature to her daughter and two grandchildren. We were blessed to have her with us for 70 years and she left our world in a better place. Her final wish was for us to support rescues like Happy Tails so more loving animals can find loving homes.
In honor of Bernadette, Cameo's beloved friend of 21 years. Forever loved.
our furball cuddlebug Charlie who was taken from us way too early due to cancer. He was a peculiar kitty who had a gentle, yet noble soul. We miss him dearly, he was a good friend.
Zorro Kulpreecha
Zorro Kulpreecha
In Honor of Zorro, the bravest boy. You are an amazing, loving soul. Mommie loves you forever. Thank you for being such a wonderful boy.
Fern Kulpreecha